Spirituality Pillar
The Spirituality pillar is a foundation and the overarching Pillar over all pillars because everything begins with understanding our spirituality and heritage in Christ. For all Christians the root of work, mission and any other ministerial responsibility is infact a function of God’s grace which is free to us. Mission is essentially the Christian’s response to the call of grace in faith.
The Spirituality Pillar seeks to introduce people to:
1. Jesus moment:
- a moment when one meets with Jesus,
- a moment when everything changes for you,
- you begin to see the world differently,
- you hear what is going on differently,
- you feel differently, from day one till the next day, it means you will never be the same again.
This needs to happen regularly.
That what the Spirituality Pillar should do to help people have their Jesus moment so that they go into the world through Education, Evangelism, Human Empowerment and Justice. The heart of it is that we need to create a movement that invites people to have their Jesus Moment of transformation
2. Sustenance: how do we help people once they have had their Jesus moment to also have moments of sustenance so that they do the other parts of the pillars and don’t become burnt out, angry, frustrated. It’s not about how productive or fruitful they are but it’s always about staying connected to God, as a beloved, precious child of God. So they do it because they have been accepted by God and therefore can accept others.
What is going on in our District?
1. Alpha course
2. Discipleship course
3. Bible studies
4. DRD course
5. EMM course
6. Quiet times
7. Lent series (movies)
8. Retreats
9. Youth Seminars
10. Hyperactive counselling
11. Healing services
12. Narrative counselling
13. Spiritual Disciplines
14. Psalmony course
15. Emmaus & Chrysalis programmes
Retreats are a time away from our normal activities to spend time getting reacquainted with God, to examine the priorities of life and to make concrete and practical resolutions for improvement. Retreats can be a powerful step toward personal conversion
An Ancient Practice
Before Our Lord began His public ministry, He spent 40 days in the desert praying and fasting as a way to prepare for the important work ahead (see Lk 4:1-13). Those were days of retreat. During His three years of public ministry, Jesus would sometimes invite His disciples to “come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” (Mk 6:31). Again, days of retreat. When Jesus entered forcefully into the life of St. Paul, He directed him to rise and go into the city, where he would be told what to do. For three days St. Paul neither ate nor drank, preparing himself to receive the spiritual direction of Ananias (see Acts 9:1-9). Those, too, were days of retreat.
Retreats Today
Current Church legislation encourages the pastor to organize periodic retreats or missions for the good of the faithful, while all those who are to be ordained are required to make a weeklong retreat. Similarly, priests and Religious are asked to make a yearly retreat. For the good of the Church, as well as for the good of their own souls and the sake of their families, lay people are also encouraged to get away for a few days each year to rekindle their relationship with Christ. There are many types of retreats, and many Church organizations offer retreats of various lengths and topics. Retreats may last two days or 40 days; they may be organized for men or for women, or for couples together. They may follow a traditional format with a priest-preacher as the retreat master, offering several spiritual conferences or meditations daily. Or they may be more charismatic in tone. They may be directed or undirected. In general, however, prudent pastoral experience suggests the following elements are most helpful for making a good retreat: silence, the holy Eucharist, confession, spiritual reading and closeness to the Blessed.